3 Crazy Endurance Races that Push the Limits

Sometimes I finish a really long run or a strenuous hike and think that I’ve exhausted myself to my very limits and can’t push anymore. And that might be true because once I wildly underestimated the amount of water I would need on a 10-mile hike and considered drinking from a (not so clean) stream at the end. That was miserable.

But I like to push myself and see what I am capable of, and doing that is a long process of learning and failing and eventually succeeding. I found some articles about some unbelievable races that are designed to push humans to their very limits.

This boat race covers 750 miles in variable conditions. The only rules: No motors and no support along the way.

This 100 mile foot race in the mountains of Frozen Head State Park, TN is designed for failure. There’s no map, no GPS, and just making it to the start line is nearly impossible.

This race has you ascending and descending four peaks on skis. You better be ready to bring your uphill game.

As cool as it would be to participate in one of these, I think I’ll stick with my shorter races. But who knows?

What Inspires Bradley Nierenberg?

Why do I love to be outside? There are many reasons. Hiking, biking, camping, skiing, running, and climbing are all ways for me to push boundaries and find out what I am capable of. The wind in your face is enough to right all the wrongs of the day. The sense of accomplishment looking at steep incline or sheer face you just tackled is unlike anything else. The adrenaline of heights and speed is addictive. And knowing you did it with your own strength.. It’s an incomparable feeling.

Instagram Adventures

Finding other people who share their love for mountains is one of my favorite things. I found this guy here.

He posts incredible views from his hikes and climbs. If this doesn’t make you want to climb a mountain, I don’t know what will.

Check out some of his posts from San Juans, CO and Snowmass Lake, CO  or just scroll through his whole feed to see his adventures and accomplishments here.
Where do you guys find your favorite adventure bloggers? What motivates you to get outside? I can’t wait for the weekend!

Feel the Burn! Go Hiking to Get in Shape for Ski Season

Before winter hits, start working those legs so your quads won’t be shaking after lunch.

Get in shape so you can shred till last chair.

This article is an oldie and goodie from Outside magazines with workout tips from the U.S. ski team!

If hitting up the gym isn’t your style, fear not. One of my favorite ways to get in shape to spend all day on the mountain is to… Hike all day on a mountain! Grab a friend, pack a lunch, and spend all day walking uphill. It’s more fun than it sounds. Plus now is the best time to enjoy the fall leaves, and the burn you feel in your legs now will pay off later.

How do you stay in shape during the off season? If I could, I’d ski year round, but since I can’t I gotta make every day count!